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Searching tips

While you search the library database:

- Enter the word or words in the search box to search.
- Increase the number of words to narrow down the list of search results. If there is more than one word in the search box, it presents resources that contain both.
- Searches do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. (Directories are in Turkish. Please keep in mind that the smaller of the I character will not be i for word searches other than Turkish). br>- If you are not sure about some letters in the word, use? (One letter), * (many letters) to indicate that the character is flexible.
- If the range searches are mixed letters and numbers, use the { } characters for example: {start ... end}, and if the range you are looking for consists of numbers, use square brackets. example;[1926 ... 2015]


Publication Date [50]
Sub Genre [50]
Language [50]
Type [8]
Form [7]
Media [7]
Period [27]
Periodical/Year [50]
Periodical/Issue [50]
Periodical / Volume [50]
  • %0.3 308 1
  • %0.2 303 2
  • %0.2 280 3
  • %0.2 278 8
  • %0.2 276 7
  • %0.2 274 4
  • %0.2 270 5
  • %0.2 269 9
  • %0.2 262 10
  • %0.2 262 6
  • %0.2 241 11
  • %0.2 231 13
  • %0.2 229 14
  • %0.2 228 12
  • %0.2 215 17
  • %0.2 211 18
  • %0.2 210 15
  • %0.2 208 16
  • %0.2 196 19
  • %0.2 188 21
  • %0.2 187 20
  • %0.1 172 22
  • %0.1 167 23
  • %0.1 155 24
  • %0.1 149 27
  • %0.1 145 28
  • %0.1 142 25
  • %0.1 142 26
  • %0.1 139 32
  • %0.1 138 29
  • %0.1 130 33
  • %0.1 120 31
  • %0.1 120 35
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  • %0.1 118 30
  • %0.1 118 37
  • %0.1 114 34
  • %0.1 113 38
  • %0.1 110 39
  • %0.1 104 40
  • %0.1 92 41
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  • %0.1 85 43
  • %0.1 77 44
  • %0.1 72 47
  • %0.1 71 45
  • %0.1 68 48
  • %0.1 65 46
  • %0.0 60 49
  • More less
Institution’s publication [2]
  • %0.0 1 X
Room [8]
Discipline [49]